Amara Interior Blog Awards 2016: I need your love...
'Vote for Stella': I 'DO' care and i don't want to go home...
In the words of Calvin and Ellie: I need your love, I need your time, When everything's wrong, You make it right...
Yes I do, really, really need your love as it's officially awards season peeps (interiors, not Oscars!) and my blog Stella + the Stars has been nominated in the Amara Interiors Blog Awards 2016...
I'd love to play it cool, and tell you that I am totally blazé about being nominated for the second time (last year I got the 'highly commended' nod in the newbie category!), and that these things don't mean anything, blah, blah, blah. But that would be utter, utter rubbish. Truth is, the impostor syndrome I am carrying around like a ball and chain means I couldn't believe it when I got the email from the Amara team this year, and I still don't believe it when I see the thousands of clicks generated every week on Stella + the Stars. And I still have to pinch myself when I get approached by a brand to collaborate on a styling project or a reader who wants my help revamp their own pad...
So, basically I am so bloody excited, I could cry. As you know, we've migrated from beautiful London to set up shop in the desert a few months ago, so this year yours truly is competing in the Best International Interior Blog category. Is it me or does that sound even more exotic?!
Getting chosen by my lovely readers to be amongst some of my favourite bloggers out there is the most humbling thing that can happen to little old me, and I am beyond grateful for the past 18 months as they've been probably the most exciting of my life.
Back to the Awards... So, if you'd like my little blog to get shortlisted (like last year), all you need is spare exactly 13 seconds of your precious time, click here, enter your name and email address, and press vote. Easy peasy, job done... You know the famous phrase: one small step for reader, one giant leap for blogger... Shortlists will be announced on 8th September...
Thank you, thank you, thank you.